Going to ATA Nexus May 5-7?
Come see us at booth #734 and learn more about how we help you close the gap in scaling remote care.

Virtual Care

AI-Enabled Virtual Care, Simplified
At Veta Health we are redefining virtual care through a personalized, AI-enabled solution proven to improve patient outcomes, reduce healthcare costs, improve provider satisfaction and increase early intervention.
AI-Enabled Virtual Care, Simplified
Prosper: A Virtual Care Platform
Our solution

Prosper: A Virtual Care Platform

Delivering virtual care at scale can be challenging as most hospital-based systems, including EMRs, are not designed for the remote care environment.
Veta Health’s Prosper is an AI-enabled virtual care software enabling healthcare providers to engage with their patients through:
Real-time audio/video and asynchronous communication
Device-based remote patient monitoring
Personalized patient engagement
Care coordination tools
The platform provides comprehensive and seamless virtual care, anywhere.
Our solution

Clinical Services

Virtual care has evolved and improved healthcare, but staffing shortages can make it a challenge to deliver effective and timely remote care. Our RN-led care management team:
Serves as an extension of your team
Works with you from a light-touch to a fully supported staff model
Integrates with your team on your terms
Our team and partners are ready to provide the best care possible to your patients based on your specific needs.
Clinical Services
Remote Monitoring Devices
Our solution

Remote Monitoring Devices

Remote monitoring devices are vital to the virtual care journey, but complex patient setup and cumbersome provider implementation can create a poor patient experience.
Veta Health's solution provides:
Remote monitoring of critical patient vitals and patient-reported outcomes
Easy-to-use, cellular-enabled devices
Device kits tailor-made to each patient’s needs
At Veta Health we make it easy for patients to stay on top of their health from home while providers track their progress.
Our solution

EHR Compatible Solutions

Empower your patients, engage your care team, and transform healthcare delivery. Unlock the potential of scalable population health with Veta Health.
Care Companion offers over 25 clinically validated care pathways, addressing scalability and maintenance challenges for patient-facing care.
Prosper Dispatch revolutionizes device logistics and monitoring for healthcare systems, offering a comprehensive solution for remote care program management.
Health Systems
Health Systems
Who we serve

Health Systems

The future of healthcare delivery is patient-centric, virtual, and accessible anywhere.
At Veta Health, we are experts in providing solutions that enable you to scale your reach and support your patients beyond the four walls of your facilities.
Through our comprehensive platform for care in the home, we:
Act as an extension of your clinical teams
Enable you to deliver timely, comprehensive care
Reach thousands of patients in their homes
We do not believe in a one size fits all approach: our national logistics model enables you to meet patients with what they need, when and where they need it.
Who we serve


With Veta Health's clinical dashboards, clinicians can prioritize patient care by gaining actionable insights from remote monitoring device data at the population/condition and patient levels.
Our comprehensive, virtual solution:
Alleviates alert fatigue
Integrates relevant clinical data
Provides the right information, at the right time, to the right clinician
Seamlessly guiding organizations through the challenges of scaling and standardizing remote care delivery, our embedded workflow support and documentation tools integrate into existing EMR workflows, optimizing program implementation at scale.
Who we serve


At Veta Health, we understand the challenges of managing your health and are here to support you every step of the way.
Our clinical solution is designed for your convenience, combining:
Easy-to-use remote monitoring devices
Personalized guidance
360-degree support
No need for complicated setups or downloads - open the box, insert the batteries, and you're ready to go.
Our AI-powered technology learns from your clinical records, remote monitoring and patient engagement data, and interactions with your care team, ensuring that you receive real-time, personalized guidance that improves over time.

"My favorite part of the Veta Health program is the access that I have to my patients' clinical parameters."

St. Joseph Mercy Oakland

"The first phone call from Veta Health was when my blood pressure spiked. It was probably one of the most comforting calls I've received because I didn't know how to interpret it. But they did."

Barbara T. Redman
Veta Health User

“My overall thought on Veta Health is why didn’t I start earlier.”

Reshawnia R.
Veta Health User

"Veta Health represented the possibility of me staying connected to my doctor. Frankly, it gave me what I call another layer of care. It's a relief."

Stephen McLean
Veta Health User
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